
acres (double)
Area of the vegetation unit measured in acres. The default value is zero.

aspect (double)
The compass direction that the slope faces in degrees. 0° corresponds to north, increasing to 360° along a full clockwise rotation. The default value is zero.

aspectName (string)
A description of the aspect. The default value is an empty string.

elevation (integer)
Height above sea level in meters. The default value is zero.

fmz (string)
Designates the fire management zone (FMZ). These are delineations that have had some meaning for fire management planning (fire suppression and fire occurrence). There is usually variation in terms of numbers of past fires, suppression costs, and suppression policy. A delineation may be utilized to represent a wildland urban interface. The default value is "all".

habitatTypeGroup (string)
This field for ecological stratification started as habitat type group values in the first geographic zones developed. It has been broadened in concept and varies for each geographic zone.

id (integer, required)
A positive number that uniquely identifies this unit. The number only needs to be unique to the element type, not all natural elements.

locationX (integer)
X coordinate within a raster matrix. This field is unused if the area uses vector shapes. The default value is -1.

locationY (integer)
Y coordinate within a raster matrix. This field is unused if the area uses vector shapes. The default value is -1.

ownership (string)
To utilize fire suppression logic, ownership needs to be NF-WILDERNESS (National Forest Wilderness), NF-OTHER (National Forest Other), or OTHER (state, private, or other federal ownership). The default value is no ownership.

roadStatus (string)
Used by fire suppression logic. Valid values are O (Open Roaded), C (Close Roaded), P (Proposed), E (Eliminated), N (None), or NIL (Unknown). The default value is NIL.

slope (double)
The percent rise of this unit, calculated as rise / run x 100. The default value is zero.

specialArea (string)
Used to facilitate the break down of the outcome from OpenSIMPPLLE in reports. In past analyses we have seen drainage designations, wildlife management units, forest plan management areas, and a broad designation of forest versus non-forest habitat type groups used. The default value is no special area.

unitNumber (string)
An additional unit identifier. This value is not used by OpenSIMPPLLE. The default value is an empty string.