
acres (integer)
The acreage of this unit. The default value is zero.

aspect (double)
The compass direction that the slope faces in degrees. 0° corresponds to a north facing slope, increasing to 360° along a full clockwise rotation. The default value is zero.

aspectName (string)
A description of the aspect. The default is an empty string.

depth (string)

elevation (integer)
The elevation of this unit in meters. The default value is zero.

id (integer, required)
A positive number that uniquely identifies this unit. The number only needs to be unique to the element type, not all natural elements.

landform (string)

latitude (double)
Degrees latitude. Used to calculate ANRAD (Abbreviated Notice of Resource Area Delineation). The default value is zero.

longitude (double)
Degrees longitude. Used to calculate ANRAD (Abbreviated Notice of Resource Area Delineation). The default value is zero.

parentMaterial (string)

slope (double)
The percent rise of this unit, calculated as rise / run x 100. The default value is zero.

soilType (string)