Pathway Coordinates


This CSV (comma-separated value) table stores the coordinates of vegetative states within each species view of the vegetative pathway editor. Vegetative states are identified within a habitat typ group by their attributes; species, size, age, and density. If a vegetative state is referenced within this table but undefined in OpenSIMPPLLE, then an error will be displayed. All of the columns defined below must be present in the table in any order.


HabitatTypeGroup (string)
Ecological stratification of the vegetative state.

Species (string)
Species of the vegetative state.

Size (string)
Size of the vegetative state.

Age (integer)
Age of the vegetative state.

Density (string)
Density of the vegetative state.

View (string)
Name of the species view in the user interface that this vegetative state is appearing in.

X (integer)
Horizontal position, with zero starting at the left edge and increasing to the right.

Y (integer)
Vertical position, with zero starting at the top edge and increasing towards the bottom.