Pathway State Changes


This CSV (comma-separated value) table stores the vegetative state changes for all vegetative pathways. Each row in the table describes how a vegetative state changes when a process is applied. When this table is imported, all existing pathways will by cleared and replaced with the new vegetative types. All of the columns defined below must be present in the table in any order.


HabitatTypeGroup (string)
Ecological stratification of the vegetative state being changed.

FromSpecies (string)
Species of the starting vegetative state.

FromSize (string)
Size of the starting vegetative state.

FromAge (integer)
Age of the starting vegetative state.

FromDensity (string)
Density of the starting vegetative state.

Process (string)
Disturbance process causing the vegetative state to change.

ToSpecies (string)
Species of the resulting vegetative state.

ToSize (string)
Size of the resulting vegetative state.

ToAge (integer)
Age of the resulting vegetative state.

ToDensity (string)
Density of the resulting vegetative state.