
age (integer)
The time spent within the size class. The default value is 1.

density (string)
There is variability between zones, but all use absolute canopy cover because it is most easily obtained from remote sensing and most commonly found in inventories. Refer to the regional zone inventories for valid values. The default value is UNKNOWN.

habitatTypeGroup (string)
This field for ecological stratification started as habitat type group values in the first geographic zones developed. It has been broadened in concept and varies for each geographic zone.

id (integer, required)
The identifier for the vegetation unit that this state applies to.

lifeform (string)
A classification of a set of species. The built-in classifications are trees, shrubs, herbacious, agriculture, and no classification. The default value is no classification.

probString (string)
Valid values are D, L (locked in process), S (average fire spread), SFS (spread via fire spotting), SUPP (suppressed fire), SE (extreme fire spread), NA (no probability), COMP (competition), and GAP (gap process). The default value is NA.

process (string)
The disturbance process used in initial simulation time steps. The value must be one of the acceptable disturbance processes in the loaded regional zone. Refer to the regional zone inventories for valid values. The default value is an empty string, which results in an invalid process.

season (string)
The period of the year that this initial state occurred. If the geographic area is not a grassland, then seasons may not be used. Valid values are SPRING, SUMMER, FALL, WINTER, and YEAR. The default value is YEAR.

sizeClass (string, required)
There is variability in how this attribute is represented across zones. Refer to the regional zone inventories for valid values. The default value is UNKNOWN.

species (string, required)
The dominant species. Refer to the regional zone inventories for valid values. The default value is UNKNOWN.

treatment (string)
The initial forest fuel treatment.