39. Indigenous Approach To Cross-Cultural Communication

Both facilitators of this workshop are language learners and teachers within their respective communities: Jasḵwaan from G̱ aw Tlagée (Old Massett) Haida Gwaii and Tommy G from Shéet'ka kwaan, Sitka, Alaska. Jasḵwaan and Tommy demonstrate communicating practices that removes English from the equation and showcases the strength of Indigenous languages in their ability to illustrate the world around us. Through sharing songs and dances from each community, as well as the traditions and ceremonies they represent, Tommy and Jasḵwaan will bring forward teachings that point us to practices that promote wellness and healing. The presentation will bring a shared understanding to the group through facilitating cultural activities that span borders between the X̱aaydaa and Lingit and their connection to their lands and resources since time immemorial.

Day 1: Introductions, language mapping and communication across borders
Facilitators will lead groups in an introduction circle, and have small and large group dialogues about language diversity and language mapping.

Day 2:  Cultural Activities as Teacher and students as Teachers
This day will include a number of activities designed to share language, discuss protocols, and guide shared understanding, and explore methods that enhance language learning by engaging the students as learners and teachers. Participants will explore methods to create cultural activities to enhance learning by engaging participants using online technology.  (Participants should bring their phone, laptop, tablet, notepad for this session).

Day 3:  Learning through reciprocity, song and dance as healing and communication.Facilitators will lead a number of song and dance activities to promote language healing and revitalization through demonstrations of reciprocity as protocol and respect.

Day 4:  Cultural activities as Teacher continued: The final day of cultural activities, guided teachings through examples and learning by doing, participants will learn to skin an elephant.

Facilitation Team

Jas kwaan Bedard & Tommy Gee