31. Translating Linguistic Grammar for Language Teaching

The purpose of the workshop will be to consider how linguistic materials are reframed to support the task of the language teacher in creating communicative tasks and activities and incorporating these in lesson plans. The workshop will be four 90-minute sessions.  Each day will include three types of activities:  

  1. Lecture:  grammar description in a linguistic grammar and showing how this can be recast for teaching in a grammar class for different learner levels/ages/literacy 
  2. Discussion:  workshops facilitators will review and moderate student discussion of experiences in preparing materials/teaching.
  3. Assessment:  Students will present a plan for teaching a communicative or experiential learning activity based on their community needs and situation (e.g., level of learners, funding and support for such activities)
Who should take?

Language teachers who want to know how to reframe existing documentary materials for language teaching and language documenters (who want to know what to include in language description. Expected background of the participants is basic linguistic terminology. Some knowledge of the grammar of their language will be helpful.

Facilitation Team

Shobhana Chelliah & Emiliana Cruz 

Time and Location

  • Week
  • Period
  • Location