27. Teaching Indigenous Languages: Communicative Language for Second Language Learners

This workshop will explore communicative language teaching and learning. It will focus on building a basis for understanding language learning and share techniques to facilitate learners’ use of language to interact and share ideas. The daily format will include: 

  • Overview of relevant concepts related to teaching and learning 
  • Sharing and discussion of potential activities (e.g., negotiating meaning through pair work, group work & role play; incorporating natural use of language to communicate and share meaning; gathering information) analysis of specific examples, identifying what worked as well as what might need to be modified, and addressing challenges/drawbacks (e.g., lag in grammatical accuracy) 
  • Activities will include opportunities for participants to modify and develop activities applicable to their own contexts

Facilitation Team

Naatosi Fish & Tracy Hirata-Edds

Time and Location

  • Week
  • Period
  • Location