04. Family Language Revitalization

This interactive workshop is about how families can use their indigenous heritage at home. The languages in question are endangered, and not the language of the broader society, creating special challenges for both language learning and language use. Within this context, we will discuss approaches to language revitalization for families. The workshop will be interactive throughout, using exercises, games, brain-storming and other interactive processes.

Day 1: Discussion and Q-A about family language revitalization

Day 2: Getting started on language use at home
Examples from the readings and the group on approaches to language use at home; how communities can make family language use part of their language revitalization program; group discussion on getting your children involved and keeping their motivation strong

Day 3: Making a family language plan
What a family language plan looks like; sample template for language planning; brain-storming on resources and approaches

Day 4: Interactive games and activities for language use with children
We will introduce and practice language activities and games for family use at home; final discussion.


Hinton, Leanne, ed. Bringing our languages home.  Heyday Books, 2013. (and these three chapters from Hinton, Leanne, Leena Huss and Gerald Roche. The Routledge Handbook of Language Revitalization. Routledge Press, 2018.)

  • Bommelyn, Pyuwa and Ruby Tuttle. Tolowa Dee-ni’ in our home. (Ch. 11, pp. 115-122.)O’Regan, Hana Kotahi Mano Kāika, Kotahi Mano Wawata—AThousand Homes, a
  • Thousand Dreams: Permission to Dream Again. (Ch. 10,pp. 107-114.)
  • Zahir, Zalmai ʔəswəli. Language Nesting in the Home. (Ch. 15, pp. 156-165.) 

Facilitation Team

Carly Tex & Leanne Hinton