
The operation of our buildings constitutes the largest source of UM's greenhouse gas emissions footprint. Improving the management of our buildings and limiting the additional square footage of building space are some of the most impactful strategies for reducing our emissions. New construction at the University of Montana uses locally sourced construction materials, water-conserving fixtures and landscaping, and is designed to use much less energy than conventionally-designed buildings of similar use. Many of the buildings on campus are decades old or have even been in use since the establishment of the university. We strive to recommission and upgrade energy systems in these buildings to make them as energy-efficient as possible. 

LEED Certified Buildings

According to the Montana University System policy, every new building project at a Montana public university costing over $8 million must be at least silver LEED certified. This means that, since 2014 when the LEED Platinum Payne Family Native America Center was built, every building constructed on campus has been certified at least LEED Silver. 

LEED certification provides a framework for healthy, highly efficient, and cost-saving green buildings, which offer environmental, social, and governance benefits. 

Other GREEN Infrastructure Projects on Campus