Field/Wildlife Studies

Date Adopted: December 12, 2006

Last Review Date: October 15, 2020

I.  Policy

A.   Wildlife Animal Use Protocol:

The University of Montana (UM) Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC) requires that a Wildlife Animal Use Protocol be submitted for any study conducted on free-living wild animals in their natural habitat that involves procedures that may harm or materially alter the behavior of the animals under study (i.e., trapping/capture, physical/chemical restraint, and/or invasive procedures causing stress, including removal from nest and habitat for short durations). 

B.  Observational Wildlife Animal Use Protocol:

The UM IACUC requires that an Observational Wildlife Animal Use Protocol be submitted for ANY and ALL field studies that do not harm or materially alter the behavior of the animals under study (i.e., observational in nature and do not involve trapping/capture, physical/chemical restraint, and/or invasive procedures).