Training for Animal Users

Date Adopted: January 30, 2005

Last Review Date: February 3, 2023 

I. Policy

Federal law requires that the Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC) make recommendations to the Institutional Official (IO) for the development and administration of animal care and use training programs for all personnel involved in the use of animals in teaching or research. Animal users require training in order to ensure that all persons involved in animal care and use are:

  1. Informed of IACUC and Laboratory Animal Resources (LAR) policies and procedures regarding animal care and use at the University of Montana;

  2. Informed of available resources regarding animal care and use certified by accrediting and oversight agencies including the Association for the Assessment and Accreditation of Laboratory Animal Care International (AAALAC), the Office of Laboratory Animal Welfare (OLAW), and the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA);

  3. Verified to be technically proficient and fully capable of their responsibilities for animal care and use covered under their Animal Use Protocol (AUP); and

  4. Provided training and offered participation in the risk-based Occupational Health and Safety (OH&S) program.

II. Procedure

  1. Administrative Responsibility
    1. It is the responsibility of the IACUC Manager to:
      1. Maintain individual records of animal user training,
      2. Provide instructions for use of the CITI Online Laboratory Training Courses web training site.
      3. Provide instructions for using the IACUC online Wildlife Course.
      4. Provide occupational health and safety (OH&S) materials, including a summary of hazards and instructions for OH&S program participation.
      5. Conduct regularly scheduled training sessions for animal users requiring access to LAR facilities.
    2. It is the responsibility of the AV and persons designated by the AV to
      1. Conduct training for field researchers, visitors, contractors, and new animal users as reasonable and necessary.

  2. Documentation of Training
    1. The IACUC Manager will maintain individual files for all animal users that will include
      1. Attendance at formal group training sessions,
      2. Online training
      3. Individualized training provided by AV, LAR employees, or invited specialists,
      4. Participation in the OH&S program
    2. All training documents will be made available by the IACUC Coordinator to the IACUC, federal regulatory personnel, or any other qualified inspector on demand.

  3. Laboratory Animal Users: Training Program
    1. Prior to beginning work on an approved AUP, all laboratory animal users and PIs are required to,
      1. Complete user-specific training module(s) on the CITI training CITI training web page determined by the animal species included on the AUP under which they are working and procedures being performed (update online training every 3 years)
      2. Participate in OH&S Risk Assessment (update every 3 years or more often if health status changes)
      3. Attend one-on-one training with a LAR staff member for the safe and proper use and exit of LAR facilities and for any relevant work-related OH&S training (one-time training or as needed)
      4. Attend didactic laboratory animal user training at the earliest possible opportunity (attend once each year)
    2. Individual Griz card access to the animal areas will be granted once online training, risk assessment, and one-on-one training are completed.  Didactic training must be completed at the earliest possible opportunity for Griz card access to be maintained.
    3. Mandatory update of training
      1. Didactic training update every year
      2. Online species-specific training update every 3 years
      3. OH&S risk assessment update every 3 years (or more often if health status changes)

  4. Wildlife Users: Training Program 
    1. All wildlife users and PIs are required prior to beginning work on an approved AUP to, 
      1. Review the online Wildlife Training Presentation and complete the Wildlife Handlers Quiz on the UM IACUC web page. Go to Training and follow the links and instructions. Send completed exam to (update online training every 3 years)
      2. Participate in OH&S Risk Assessment (update every 3 years or more often if health status changes)
      3. Take the "Wildlife Research" class on the CITI training web site and If using amphibians, fish, or  reptiles for research, complete the corresponding course on the CITI training web site (update online training every 3 years)
    2. Mandatory update of training
      1. Online Wildlife Training Presentation and quiz update every 3 years
      2. OH&S risk assessment update every 3 years (or more often if health status changes)
      3. Take the "Wildlife Research" class on the CITI training web site and If using amphibians, fish, or  reptiles for research, complete the corresponding course on the CITI training web site (update online training every 3 years)

  5. Non-compliance with Training Policy
    1. Griz card access to laboratory animal facilities will be denied or revoked if training is not completed or updated as required
    2. If annual didactic training is not completed (for lab animal users) with 6 months after the annual due date, the animal user, the PI, and the Department Head will be notified by the IACUC Chair that the non-compliant person must attend one of the next regularly scheduled semester (fall, spring, or summer) training sessions. If didactic training remains incomplete, the matter will be discussed at the next scheduled IACUC meeting. The PI and the animal user (if applicable) will be requested to attend the meeting and suspension of the animal user and/or the AUP will be considered by the IACUC
    3. If online training is not updated as required, the animal user, the PI, and the Department Head will be notified by the IACUC Chair that the non-compliant person has 30 days to complete their online training. If training remains incomplete after 30 days, the matter will be discussed a the next scheduled IACUC meeting. The PI and the animal user (if applicable) will be requested to attend the meeting and suspension of the AUP will be considered by the IACUC.