Husbandry and Care Records

Date adopted: February 14, 2006

Last Review Date: September 11, 2020

I.  Policy

The University of Montana (UM) Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC) requires that animal husbandry and care records be kept for at least three years after termination of the activity.  This time frame is in compliance with policies for the Office for Laboratory Animal Welfare (OLAW), U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA), and the Association for Assessment and Accreditation of Laboratory Animal Care International (AAALAC).  All records must be available on demand for inspection by UM officials or officials from regulatory agencies.

II. Procedures

A.  Animal Health Records

1.  USDA regulated species

a.  Animals-on-hand (form # 7019) log in HSB008

b.  Individual animal health records

1) Rabbits, guinea pig  HSB008

2) Hamsters HSB008

3) Peromyscus HSB 008

4) Degu HSB 008

c.  Individual surgical records are located in HS 008

2.  Non-USDA regulated species

a.  Veterinary health records and logs located in HS 008 and SB 041

b.  Bird health records located in the main office at the Field Research Station
      Fort Missoula 

c.  Serology records

1) Mouse quarantine, rat, and rabbit records are located in HS 009

2) SPF mouse records are located in SB 041

B.  Standard Operating Procedures (SOP)

1.  Updated versions of SOPs are electronically available on the LAR web site