Eastside Region One

Ecological Stratification

The habitat type classification system in use by the region provided the basis for an ecological stratification of system knowledge.

HT-Grp Description Habitat type ADP code R1_PVT
A1 hot & very dry pifl/agsp 91 pifl
    pifl/feid 92 pifl
    pifl/feid-feid 93 pifl
    pifl/feid-fesc 94 pifl
    pifl/juoc 95 pifl
    pipo/and 110 pipo
A1 hot & very dry psme/syor 380 psme2
A2 warm & very dry pipo/agsp 130 pipo
    pipo/feid 140 pipo
    pipo/feid-feid 141 pipo
    pipo/feid-fesc 142 pipo
    pipo/putr 160 pipo
    pipo/putr-agsp 161 pipo
    pipo/putr-feid 162 pipo
    psme/agsp 210 psme1
    psme/feid 220 psme1
    psme/fesc 230 psme1
    psme/caru-agsp 321 psme1
A2 Warm & very dry psme/juoc 360 psme1
B1 warm & dry pipo/syal 170 pipo
    pipo/syal-syal 171 pipo
    pipo/syal-bere 172 pipo
    psme/caru 320 psme1
    psme/caru-aruv 322 psme1
    psme/caru-caru 323 psme1
    psme/caru-pipo 324 psme1
    psme/cage 330 psme1
    psme/aruv 350 psme1
B1 warm & dry psme/arco 370 psme1
B2 modwarm & dry pipo/pruvi 180 pipo
    pipo/pruvi-prvi 181 pipo
    pipo/pruvi-shca 182 pipo
    pipo/phma 190 pipo
    psme/phma 260 psme2
    psme/phma-phma 261 psme2
    psme/phma-caru 262 psme2
    psme/phma-smat 263 psme2
    psme/vagl-aruv 282 psme2
    psme/syal 310 psme2
    psme/syal-caru 312 psme2
    psme/syal-syal 313 psme2
    psme/spbe 340 psme1
    abgr/spbe 505 abgr1
    abgr/phma 506 abgr1
    abgr/phma-cooc 507 abgr1
B3 warm & modmoist psme/vaca 250 psme1
    psme/vagl 580 abgr2
    psme/vagl-vagl 281 psme2
    psme/vagl-xete 283 psme2
B3 warm & modmoist psme/libo-caru 292 psme2
C1 modwarm & modmoist psme/libo 290 psme2
    psme/libo-syal 291 psme2
    psme/libo-vagl 293 psme2
    abgr/xete 510 abgr2
    abgr/xete-cooc 511 abgr2
    abgr/xete-vagl 512 abgr2
    abgr/vagl 515 abgr2
    abgr/clun-xete 523 abgr2
    abgr/libo 590 abgr2
    abgr/libo-libo 591 abgr2
C1 modwarm & modmoist abgr/libo-xete 592 abgr2
C2 modwarm & moist abgr/asca 516 abgr2
    abgr/asca-mefe 518 abgr2
    abgr/asca-tabr 519 abgr2
    abgr/clun 520 abgr2
    abgr/clun-clun 521 abgr2
    abgr/clun-arnu 522 abgr2
    abgr/clun-phma 524 abgr2
    abgr/clun-mefe 525 abgr2
    abgr/clun-tabr 526 abgr2
C2 modwarm & moist abgr/setr 529 abgr2
D1 modcool & moist thpl/clun 530 abgr2
    thpl/clun-clun 531 thpl
    thpl/clun-aarnu 532 thpl
    thpl/clun-mefe 533 thpl
    thpl/clun-xete 534 thpl
    thpl/clun-tabr 535 thpl
    thpl/asca 545 thpl
    thpl/asca-asca 546 thpl
    thpl/asca-mefe 547 thpl
    thpl/asca-tabr 548 thpl
    thpl/gydr 555 thpl
    tshe/gydr 565 tshe
    tshe/clun 570 tshe
    tshe/clun-clun 571 tshe
    tshe/clun-arnu 572 tshe
    tshe/clun-mefe 573 tshe
    tshe/asca 575 tshe
    tshe/asca-arnu 578 tshe
    tshe/asca-mefe 577 tshe
D2 modcool & modmoist picea/sest 460 picea
    picea/sest-psme 461 picea
D2 modcool & modmoist picea/sest-picea 462 picea
D3 cool & moist picea/clun 420 picea
    picea/clun-vaca 421 picea
    picea/clun-clun 422 picea
    picea/libo 470 picea
    picea/smst 480 picea
    tshe/mefe 579 tsme
    abla/clun 620 abla1
    abla/clun-clun 621 abla1
    abla/clun-arnu 622 abla1
    abla/clun-vaca 623 abla1
    abla/clun-xete 624 abla1
    abla/clun-mefe 625 abla1
    abla/libo 660 abla1
    abla/libo-libo 661 abla1
    abla/libo-xete 662 abla1
    abla/mefe 670 abla1
    abla/mefe-cooc 671 abla1
    abla/mefe-luhi 672 abla1
    abla/mefe-xete 673 abla1
    abla/mefe-vasc 674 abla1
    tsme/mefe 680 tsme
    tsme/mefe-luhi 681 tsme
    tsme-mefe-xete 682 tsme
    tsme/clun 685 tsme
    tsme/clun-mefe 686 tsme
    tsme/clun-xete 687 tsme
    abla/vasc-thoc 733 abla2
D3 cool & moist abla/alsi 740 abla1
E1 modcool & wet thpl/atfl 540 thpl
    thpl/atfl-adpe 541 thpl
    thpl/atfl-atfl 542 thpl
    thpl/opho 550 thpl
E2 cool & wet picea/eqar 410 picea
    picea/gatr 440 picea
    abla/opho 610 abla1
    abla/gatr 630 abla1
    abla/stam 635 abla1
    abla/stam-mefe 636 abla1
    abla/stam-lica 637 abla1
    abla/caca 650 abla1
    abla/caca-caca 651 abla1
    abla/caca-lica 652 abla1
    abla/caca-gatr 653 abla1
    abla/caca-legl 655 abla1
    tsme/stam 675 tmse
    tsme/stam-luhi 676 tmse
E2 cool & wet tsme/stam-mefe 677 tmse
F1 cool & mod dry picea/vaca 450 picea
    abla/vaca 640 abla1
    abla/libo-vasc 663 abla1
    abla/xete 690 abla1
    abla/xete-vagl 691 abla1
    abla/xete-vasc 692 abla1
    abla/xete-cooc 693 abla1
    abla/xete-luhi 694 abla1
    tsme/xete 710 tmse
    tsme/xete-luhi 711 tmse
    tsme/xete-vasc 713 tmse
    abla/vagl 720 abla1
    abla/vasc 730 abla2
    abla/vasc-caru 731 abla2
    abla/vasc-vasc 732 abla2
    pico/putr 910 pico
    pico/vaca 920 pico
F1 cool & mod dry pico/libo 930 pico
F2 modcool & mod dry abla/caru 750 abla1
    abla/caru 770 abla1
    abla/clps 780 abla1
    abla/arco 790 abla1
    abla/cage 791 abla1
    abla/cage-cage 792 abla1
F2 modcool & mod dry pico/caru 950 pico
G1 cold & moist abla/rimo 810 abla2
    abla/pial-vasc 820 abla2
    abla/luhi 830 abla2
    abla/luhi-vasc 831 abla2
    abla/luhi-mefe 832 abla2
    tsme/luhi 840 tmse
    tsme/luhi-vasc 841 tmse
G2 cold & dry pial-abla 850 pial
    laly-abla 860 laly
    pial 870 pial
    pico/xete 925 pico
G2 cold & dry pico/vasc 940 pico
NF1 grasslands upland grassland 15 NA
    sticom 16 drygrass
    agrspi 17 drygrass
    fesida 18 fesida
    fessca 19 fessca
    androp 20 androx
NF1 grasslands descae 21 ripgrass
NF2 shrublands upland shrubland 30 NA
    artarb 31 bigsage
    arttri 32 bigsage
    arttrip 33 bigsage
    pottru 34 potfru
    purtri 35 dryshrub
    cerled 36 dryshrub
    rhulri 37 rhusx
    sarver 38 saltshrub
NF2 shrublands eriogo 39 unknown
NF3 woodlands upland woodland 50 NA
NF4 riparian riparian 60 NA
    carex 61 ripgrass
    tall forb 70 ripforb
    cartaeg 71 crataeg
    celtis 72 celtis
    alnus 73 alnus
    salix 74 salix
    poptre 78 poptre
NF4 riparian poptri 79 poptri
NF5 alpine alpine 80 alpine
    alp sedge/grass 81 alpgrass
    alp forb 84 alpforb
NF5 alpine alp shrub 87 alpshrub
XX1 agriculture crop, hay, pasture 4  
XX2 exotics exotics grass/fo 2  
XX3 urban/rural towns, subdiv 3  
XX4 barren rock, scree, ice 10 rock,scree

Vegetation Attributes

Valid Species for Forest Habitat Type Groups
Abbreviation Species Name
AF alpine fir
AF-ES-LP alpine fir - Englemann spruce - lodgepole pine
AGR agriculture
ALPINE-GRASSES alpine grasses
ALTERED-GRASSES altered grasses
CW cottonwood
CW-MC cottonwood - mixed conifers
DF Douglas-fir
DF-AF Douglas-fir - alpine fir
DF-AF-ES Douglas-fir - alpine fir - Englemann spruce
DF-ES Douglas-fir - Englemann spruce
DF-LP Douglas-fir - lodgepole pine
DF-LP-AF Douglas-fir - lodgepole pine - alpine fir
DF-LP-ES Douglas-fir - lodgepole pine - Englemann spruce
DF-PP-LP Douglas-fir - ponderosa pine - lodgepole pine
DF-PP-PF Douglas-fir - ponderosa pine - limber pine
ES Englemann spruce
ES-AF Englemann spruce - alpine fir
ES-LP Englemann spruce - lodgepole pine
LP lodgepole pine
LP-AF lodgepole pine - alpine fir
MESIC-SHRUBS mesic shrubs
NATIVE-FORBS native forbs
ND no data
NS non stocked
PF limber pine
PF-LP limber pine - lodgepole pine
PP ponderosa pine
PP-DF ponderosa pine - Douglas-fir
QA quaking aspen
QA-MC quaking aspen - mixed conifers
UPLAND-GRASSES upland grasses
WB white bark pine
WB-AF white bark pine - alpine fir
WB-ES white bark pine - Englemann spruce
WB-ES-AF white bark pine -Englemann spruce - alpine fir
WB-ES-LP white bark pine - Englemann spruce - lodgepole pine
XERIC-SHRUBS xeric shrubs
Valid Species for Non Forest Habitat Type Groups
Abbreviation Species Name
AGR agriculture
AGSP bluebunch wheatgrass
ALPINE-GRASSES alpine grasses
ALPINE-HERBS alpine herbs
ALPINE-SHRUBS alpine shrubs
ALTERED-GRASSES altered grasses
ALTERED-NOXIOUS altered noxious
DF Douglas-fir
FESCUE fescue
FS-S-G fire sprouting shrubs and grasses
EARLY-SERAL early seral
GA green ash
HERBS herbs
JUSC juniper
JUSC-AGSP juniper - bluebunch wheatgrass
JUSC-ORMI juniper - rice grass
LATE-SERAL late seral
MAHOGANY mahogany
MESIC-SHRUBS mesic shrubs
MID-SERAL mid seral
MTN-FS-SHRUBS mountain fire sprouting shrubs
MTN-MAHOGANY mountain mahogany
MTN-SHRUBS mountain shrubs
NATIVE-FORBS native forbs
NF non forest
NOXIOUS noxious
PF limber pine
PP ponderosa pine
QA quaking aspen
QA-MC quaking aspen - mixed conifers
RIP-DECID riparian deciduous
RIP-DECID-MC riparian deciduous - mixed conifers
RIP-GRAMS riparian graminoids
RIPARIAN-GRASSES riparian grasses
UPLAND-GRASSES upland grasses
WATER water
WOODLAND woodland
XERIC-FS-SHRUBS xeric fire sprouting shrubs
XERIC-SHRUBS xeric shrubs

Size Classes

Size Class – Structure Name
NS non-stocked
UNIFORM uniform
SCATTERED scattered
CLUMPED clumped
OPEN-HERB open herbaceous
CLOSED-HERB closed herbaceous
OPEN-LOW-SHRUB open low shrub
OPEN-MID-SHRUB open mid shrub
OPEN-TALL-SHRUB open tall shrub
CLOSED-LOW-SHRUB closed low shrub
CLOSED-MID-SHRUB closed mid shrub
CLOSED-TALL-SHRUB closed tall shrub
WOODLAND woodland
SS seedling and saplings, less than 5 inches dbh
POLE 5 to 8.9 inches dbh
PTS pole two stories
PMU pole multiple stories
MEDIUM 9 to 14.9 inches dbh
MTS medium two stories
MMU medium multiple stories
LARGE 15 to 20.9 inches dbh
LTS large two stories
LMU large multiple stories
VLTS very large two stories
VLMU very large multiple stories
AGR agriculture
NF non forest


Density Class Canopy Coverage
1 0 - 14%
2 15 - 39%
3 40 - 69%
4 70 - 100%

Disturbance Processes

Disturbance Process
LSF Light severity fire
MSF Mixed severity fire
SRF Stand replacing fire
FIRE EVENT Fire event
RD Root disease
LIGHT-WSBW Light western spruce budworm
SEVERE-WSBW Severe western spruce budworm
PP-MPB Ponderosa pine mountain pine beetle
LIGHT-LP-MPB Light lodgepole pine mountain pine beetle
SEVERE-LP-MPB Severe lodgepole pine mountain pine beetle
WP-MPB White pine mountain pine beetle
WBP-MPB White bark pine mountain pine beetle
DF-BEETLE Douglas-fir beetle
SPRUCE BEETLE Spruce beetle