IFYE Peer Mentors

Be a Resource for New Students

CIS aims to create a cohesive group within the Indigenous First-Year Experience (IFYE) program. A significant part of community creation involves confident role models that our tribally affiliated students can look up to, feel comfortable with, and receive support from during the their first year on campus.

Peer mentorship in IFYE is a part-time live-in student role that will co-mentor approximately 20 first-year tribally affiliated students. Peer mentors (PM) will be a resource for students who are transitioning into college living and academia. They are expected to work in tandem with the resident assistants (RA) and help develop a safe and communal atmosphere within the IFYE program.

Peer Mentorship Details

  • The position will require approximately 20 hours per week.
  • PMs will receive an on-campus single occupancy room and meal plan along with a small stipend.
  • They will live within in the IFYE LLC, on the same hall as the IFYE students along with at least one RA.
  • PMs will collaborate with RAs regarding events and student needs.
  • Trainings, such as QPR, will be provided.

Minimum Qualifications 

  • Be a full-time student (12-18 undergraduate credits, 9-12 graduate credits). 
  • Be in good conduct standing with the university.
  • Interest in working with people and being a role model.

Preferred Qualifications

  • GPA of 2.5 or above.
  • Junior year or higher standing.

Application Details

Please see the IFYE LLC Peer Mentor role description for a full outline of roles, responsibilities, compensation, and qualifications before submitting an application. PM candidates must complete an application to be considered for the position. Selected candidates will subsequently participate in an individual interview. 

The deadline for applications is Friday, May 31 at 5pm MDT.