Frequently Asked Questions

If you cannot find the answer to your question in the list below, contact the Course Evaluation Coordinator.

How do I access course feedback?

Your profile in this system is not currently linked to your net ID or Microsoft login. New users will receive an email from Qualtrics with their username and temporary password after evaluations launch each term. Your username is your email address and your password for this system will be distinct from your other university passwords unless you choose the same password. 

What should I do if I didn't receive the Qualtrics email?

If you do not receive the email within 24 hours, check your inbox, "clutter," "other," and "junk" folders. If it is still missing, contact us at

Why is this instance of Qualtrics different from the one used for research?

This Qualtrics instance is specifically designed for course evaluations and is separate from the university-wide Qualtrics system used for research to ensure FERPA compliance.

When will feedback dashboards be available for faculty?

Feedback dashboards will be available after grades are submitted each term.

What should I communicate to my students about the course feedback surveys?

Inform students about the initial email invitation with the subject "UM Course Feedback Survey Now Available" and encourage their participation. Students will also receive reminder emails while the survey is active.

How can I increase student participation in the surveys?

Faculty have reported higher participation rates when they reserve class time for students to complete the surveys. Give your students advance notice to bring a laptop or other device and reserve the last 10 minutes of the session for the survey.

What if my course is asynchronous?

Use the “LMS Participation Code.” Students will find it at the bottom of the survey and should enter it in an ungraded Moodle Participation or Extra-Credit Assignment.

What steps should I take to prepare for the course evaluation process?

Verify your instructor information, confirm the accuracy of your course listings, and ensure all instructors have activated their @umontana email aliases.

How should team-taught courses be handled?

Confirm the inclusion of all instructors in the course schedule so each instructor can be evaluated separately.

What should units with their own evaluation systems do?

Inform us of your evaluation mechanism, which will be published on our Course Evaluation Website.

Is there a mechanism for midterm feedback?

Midterm feedback surveys are available for faculty. Details for opting into these surveys will come from your unit admin. These surveys are separate from end-of-term evaluations and results will not be shared with Unit Administrators or student evaluation committees.

How can I select additional questions for my Course Feedback Surveys?

Faculty will receive an email each semester asking them to select additional questions to customize surveys for their courses. This email will include a link to your "custom teacher questions" menu. You can select 1-3 additional questions for each course, ensuring a manageable survey experience for students.

How are Graduate Teaching Assistants (GTAs) evaluated?

For courses, labs, or recitation sections taught by GTAs, list them as the primary instructor. Faculty supervisors should be included only if they have a role in instruction or grading. GTAs listed as instructors of record will receive their own surveys. For Teaching or Learning Assistants working alongside a faculty supervisor, feedback on their performance should be solicited through an instructor choice question.