Mansfield Center Dialogues and Lectures

Mansfield Dialogues

The Mansfield Dialogues are an annual series of discussions designed to bring speakers on contemporary issues to a wider audience. These critical community discussions are attended by high school and university students and community members across Montana and the world. 

Recent Mansfield Dialogues can be found below. Stay tuned for our 2024 Fall Dialogue series coming soon.

Upcoming Mansfield Dialogue:

A headshot of Dr. Frances Mary Berry

Dr. Mary Frances Berry

Missoula: April 24, 7:00 pm MDT (In-Person and Virtual)


Recording Unavailable

A headshot of Peter Hessler smiling

Peter Hessler

Missoula: April 4, 7:00 pm MDT (In-Person and Virtual) RECORDING AVAILABLE

Annual Mansfield Lectures

The Annual Mansfield Lecture is the Mansfield Center’s premier yearly lecture, featuring speakers who can bring discussion of critical topics to an audience drawn from throughout western Montana.

Liz Cheney and Marc Racicot talking while sitting in chairs

Liz Cheney

October 10, 2023 LEARN MORE
Condoleezza Rice smiling

Condoleezza Rice & Michael McFaul

June 6, 2022 LEARN MORE

First Takes

First Takes is a community education program providing rapid response efforts to educate the public in real time on urgent international or domestic current events that affect our democracy.

An image of a satellite tower with a cloudy sky background

North Korean Satellite

An image of a missile launching above water at night

Missiles and Mayhem