
Honduras flag waving in background

Sports Diplomacy

Empowering Youth Through Soccer - July 2024

A hiking trail with a sign that says MO 2 on it

Homestay / Cultural Hosts

Creating a unique Montana experience, fostering a reciprocal exchange of perspectives worldwide.


 students visiting capitol

The Maureen and Mike Mansfield Center

Founded by an Act of Congress in 1983, the Mansfield Center fosters globally minded leaders of integrity in honor of the legacy of Senator Mike Mansfield and his wife, Maureen Hayes Mansfield. We honor their legacy of patriotic statesmanship to bridge divides from a variety of perspectives, unified by our love of country and commitment to democracy.

What We Do

  • Mansfield Lecture 2022

    Mansfield Dialogues

    Promoting Dialogue — Public lectures and conferences are an important part of our community outreach and education, offering the opportunity to engage in conversation about local, national, and international topics.

  • Man with glasses is smiling and giving a speech

    Strengthening Democracy

    A Way Forward — Examine the role that ethical values can and should play in public life, the moral quandaries faced by those who govern, and the issues of leadership and character in public service.

  • student planting in Vietnam

    High School Opportunities

    Tomorrow's Leaders — We embrace UM’s Priorities for Action to place student success at the center of all we do. Our commitment is not just to UM students, but also to Montana high school students.

  • young woman wearing a hat at the edge of a body of water

    UM Student Opportunities

    UM Students — From long-running study abroad programs to courses on public diplomacy, we are committed to providing students with opportunities to develop their leadership skills and global competence.

  • woman at outdoor event

    Community Engagement

    A Special Community — Maureen and Mike Mansfield loved Montana. We strive to engage communities throughout Montana in our programs, to bring the world to Montana and present Montana to the world.

  • woman looking through telescope


    Explore the World — We offer opportunities to explore critical global issues from climate change to civic development for youth, community members, professionals, and educators.

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The University of Montana acknowledges that we are in the aboriginal territories of the Salish and Kalispel people. We honor the path they have always shown us in caring for this place for the generations to come.