
Ramona Grey

Classical, Modern & Contemporary Political Theory, American Political Thought, Civil Rights & Liberties


Liberal Arts 348
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Curriculum Vitae
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B.A. California State University, Sacramento 1985

M.A. California State University, Sacramento 1986

Ph.D., University of California, Riverside 1991

Courses Taught

PSCI 250E Introduction to Political Theory​

PSCI 352 American Political Thought

PSCI 354 Contemporary Political Theory

PSCI 457 Classical & Medieval Political Philosophy 

PSCI 557 Classical & Medieval Political Philosophy (co-convened with PSCI 457)

PSCI 452 Utopianism & Its Critics 

PSCI 453 Modern Political Theory 

PSCI 553 Modern Political Theory Graduate Seminar (co-convening with PSCI 453)

PSCI 474 Civil Rights & Liberties

Research Interests

Utopianism, Politics & Art; Teaching Public Law with Literature 


The Utopian Legacy & Political Theory

 Of Mice & Men & the 8th Amendment: Using Literature in Teaching Public Law 

Field of Study

Political Theory

Selected Publications

"Revisiting J.S. Mill's Theory of Education in the Age of Partisan Division: Its Utility in Teaching Political Theory," Journal of Higher Education Theory and Practice, Vol 20 (4), 2020, 38-52.DOI: https://doi.org/10.33423/jhetp.v20i4

"The Socratic Method's Search for Standards," ed. Lee Trepanier, The Socratic Method Today, New York: Routledge, 2018, 152-163.

Political Theory and the Human Predicament: An Introduction to Major Political Thinkers, San Diego: Cognella Inc., 2014; 2nd edition, 2018.

Charlotte Perkins Gilman (1860-1935),” The International Encyclopedia of Political Science, edited by Geoffrey Garrett, Margaret Levi, Paula D.  McClain, James E. Alt, and Simone Chambers, Washington D.C.: Congressional Quarterly Press, 2011, vol. 1, p. 673.

“George Orwell (1903-1950),” The International Encyclopedia of Political Science,  edited by Geoffrey Garrett, Margaret Levi, Paula D. McClain, James E.  Alt, and Simone Chambers, Congressional Quarterly Press, 2011, vol. 4, pp.1161-1162.  

(Co-authored with T.L. Putterman) “The Fiddler’s Prerogative: Politics and the Purpose of Art,” Antioch Review, vol. 60, no 2, Spring 2002: 250-266.

"Modern Liberalism & Despair: The Pilgrimage of Joseph Wood Krutch, American Studies, vol. 35, no. 1, 1997: 81-95.

Honors / Awards

UM Distinguished Teaching Award, 2004