Our People

Kate Brady

Assistant International Systems Manager


Mansfield Center
Office Hours

8:30 AM - 5:30 PM

Personal Summary

Kate was born and raised in the Flathead Valley and moved to Missoula to attend the University of Montana. After completing a BA in Media Arts in 2013, she first went north to Alaska, and then south to Antarctica. She spent 7 years gaining experience in remote polar logistics and operations at McMurdo research station before again traveling north to work at Toolik Field Station in the Arctic.

Now that she has moved back to Missoula and joined the Mansfield center, she is excited to enjoy trees, normal day/night cycles and occasional above-freezing temperatures. She is also excited to bring her experience in logistics and coordination to support the Mansfield Center mission.

In her spare time, she enjoys hiking, road-tripping, spending time outside with her dogs, listening to music, watching movies, and trying (generally unsuccessfully) to learn various musical instruments.