Our People

Riese Munoz

Assistant Project Manager


The Maureen and Mike Mansfield Center

Personal Summary

Originally from Fort Collins, Colorado, Riese Munoz is an assistant project manager working mainly on the YSEALI Academic Fellows Program. Graduating from UM with a B.A. in English education and a BFA in creative writing, she developed a passion for international education and connections through the Franke Global Leadership Initiative program, through of which she had the opportunity to study abroad in Cork, Ireland. She also served as the 2024 Co-Editor-and-Chief for UM’s undergraduate literary magazine The Oval. With interests in the humanities, education, and global connections, Riese feels lucky to have the opportunity to integrate her passions at the Mansfield Center to promote and support globally minded leadership, as well as foster international relationships.


B.A. in English teaching, The University of Montana

B.F.A in Creative Writing, The University of Montana

Certificate in Global Leadership, the Franke Global Leadership Initiative, the University of Montana

Honors / Awards

The President’s Outstanding Student Award in English Teaching