
Interpreting services

Interpreters facilitate communication between signed and spoken languages. American Sign Language (ASL) is a spacial-gestural language with grammar and syntax, unlike English.

Our interpreters

How to request interpreting services

Students who request for the first time

Students who previously requested services

  • Email your class schedule each semester in advance to the primary contact.  
  • For class-related activities, meetings, reviews, or group sessions:
  • Submit your request to the primary contact. 

Student Responsibilities

Promptly inform the primary contact of interpreting services about the following:

  • Your finalized class schedule as soon as it is available.
  • Any changes to your class schedule, including drop, add, and withdrawal adjustments during the semester.
  • If you cannot attend class, the class is canceled, or if you don’t need the service.

Primary contact for interpreting services

Brandy Reinhardt
Assistant Director of Interpreting and Communication Accessibility
Phone: 406-243-5136


  • The interpreters assigned to your course will wait for 10 minutes in a 50-minute class and for 20 minutes in all other classes unless otherwise informed.
  • ODE reserves the right to suspend interpreting services if a student misses three (3) consecutive classes without providing notification.