Audio recording lectures

Audio recording lectures

The Office for Disability Equity (ODE) recommends that a qualified student with a disability be permitted to audio record lectures as a reasonable accommodation. For this purpose, students may use their smartphones, computer software (e.g., Glean), tablets, digital recorders, and other electronic devices.

Qualified students must inform the instructor that they intend to audio record the class. Instructors may require that the student complete a recording agreement with them. 

Key Points

  • Students must inform the instructor promptly that they are requesting an accommodation to record the class sessions. Students must provide the instructor with an accommodation (verification) letter identifying audio-recording classes as a reasonable accommodation.
  • Instructors can require the student to use the Classroom Recording Contract to protect the instructor’s proprietary interest in their classroom lectures.

  • Instructors must inform the other students in the class that audio or video recordings of classroom activity will be made before any recording takes place. However, the instructors must make reasonable efforts to protect the privacy of the student requesting the accommodations. 

  • If instructors are concerned that recording the class will fundamentally alter the classroom experience or another extenuating circumstance exists, they should contact ODE to discuss other means of providing the accommodation.