Undergraduate Students

The Avian Science Center fosters mentoring at all levels of education. We provide several opportunities for undergraduate students to gain experience using avian species to guide natural resource conservation. Some opportunities include 1) volunteer and seasonal employment for ongoing projects, 2) developing and conducting independent research, and 3) Bill Gabriel Avian Science Center Research Scholarship. Depending on degree requirements, these opportunities can be used to acquire college course credits.

Volunteering: If you are interested in participating in the Avian Science Center in other capacities, please email Dr. Victoria Dreitz (asc@umontana.edu) the information below as on attachment with “UG Opportunity” in the subject line:

  1. A cover letter stating your interest in working with the ASC and what you hope to learn from the experience
  2. A CV or Resume

Independent Research: We support students in conducting independent research associated with their degree requirements. Please get in touch with Dr. Victoria Dreitz if you believe the Avian Science Center may be able to assist you with independent research.

Bill Gabriel Avian Science Center Scholarship: H. William (Bill) Gabriel - a forester, wildlifer, photographer, and writer – has kindly provided this scholarship opportunity to support undergraduate students in gaining experience with bird research. The recipient must engage with ASC for 2-5 hours per week during a semester (and return the following semester) on activities ranging from data entry, assistance with data collection, or exploring options for student-led research on birds. We allow flexibility for the recipient to explore their interests in using birds in wildlife conservation activities.