Why use the TRIO SSS Tutor Center?

Tutoring can help you in two ways; not only can you achieve higher scores on tests and a better grade in your class, but you will learn to understand the subject in a more comprehensive way. This can be especially helpful when your major requires more than one math course in sequence, and success in later courses depends on the skills learned in earlier courses.

The primary goal of the TRIO SSS Tutor Center is to enable TRIO students to complete the Math General Education Requirement and/or the first-year math courses required for their major.

The Center is located on the 3rd floor of Aber Hall, room 320. Ten tutors are employed by the center and at least two are on duty whenever the tutor center is open. In addition to math, TRIO SSS employs tutors in subjects that vary according to student needs. Areas tutored have included chemistry, foreign languages, computer science, and economics, but these vary from semester to semester.

** Please visit the TRIO SSS main office (Aber Hall 301) for a comprehensive list of courses tutored.

How often can I meet with a tutor?

Although some students have extended help sessions with tutors, we encourage you to bring your homework to the Tutor Center so you can get help whenever you have a question.

Who are TRIO SSS tutors?

The TRIO SSS tutors are a group of dynamic, qualified UM graduate and undergraduate students who have demonstrated mastery of the subject area they tutor. Most TRIO SSS tutors have previous tutoring experience and have worked extensively with the TRIO SSS student population. They are very approachable and receptive to questions, so there's no need to be intimidated by their expertise!

The Spring, 2024 Tutor Schedule is LIVE - for more information please email our Tutor Coordinator, Peter Donaldson at peter.donaldson@mso.umt.edu.