
Good day! My name's Ethan Saulnier, and I'm a recent graduate of the University of Montana's Environmental Philosophy Master of Arts program. Within environmental philosophy, I am especially interested in ecofeminism, environmental virtue ethics, Indigenous knowledge systems, and climate ethics. Outside of environmental philosophy, I am in the process of further educating myself on leftist politics, ecological economics, and agroecology food systems. I desire to be an active participant in transitioning predominant cultures of social and ecological degradation to cultures of socioecological regeneration, through engaging agroecology, education on the above topics, and political activism. To expand on this: I desire to build skills in agroecology gardening, food-production, and land-tending; and I want to research and write articles, record video essays, and host a podcast that discuss the intersections of my aforementioned interests. My goal with this community engagement project was to produce educational content at a high school level, and moving forward, I hope to continue creating content that ranges from a high school to Bachelors to Masters level. I want to make this educational material free and easily accessible, as spreading these ideas and sparking new conversations is my primary goal. 


Community Engagement Project

You can view my Community Engagement Project Portfolio here. I detail my project's work to bring climate fiction and environmental ethics resources to high school English classrooms in Missoula, Montana. The portfolio includes an introduction and background context describing why this education matters; my plan of action to survey English teachers, and create a cli-fi resource compilation and multiple environmental ethics video series; 3 sections where I draw on my program's courses 'Philosophy and Animals,' 'Issues in the Anthropocene,' and 'Environmental Philosophy' to illustrate the theoretical frameworks underpinning my project; the results of my outreach, its challenges and accomplishments, and reflections on what I learned and what I would do differently with future outreach. 



Materials Developed

You can check out my 2-page survey that I initially sent to high school English teachers: Survey For High School English Teachers

You can view my 13-page climate fiction resource compilation, with accompanying questions for student comprehension: Climate Fiction Resources

The 67 pages of written scripts which I researched, wrote, and recorded to produce my environmental ethics video series, is available: CEP Video Scripts 


Video Series

This link will take you to a page where you can access the first video in each of my three series. The remaining videos in each series are accessible on YouTube, as part of three separate playlists. 

 Environmental Ethics Video Series