Flagship Fund Investments 2023

Embedded Well-Being Support

This investment expands a current program in which masters-level social work students are placed in academic units as well-being support coordinators. The goal is to enhance persistence and graduation rates through increased access to one-to-one mental health support. The proposal is directly connected to a current UM priority for action strategy.

International Education

This investment advances UM’s international education efforts through the three strategies: 1) Non-degree seeking international student enrollment through IEP, exchanges, and short-term special language programs; 2) Online English for Occupational Purposes (EOP) programs; and 3) Expansion of UM”s strategic network of global partners engaged in student/faculty exchanges, research collaboration, and collaborative online international learning (COIL).

Faculty Learning Assistants

This investment expands the already successful Learning Assistants Fellows program, where faculty and undergraduate learning assistants employ active learning strategies in gateway courses.  This proposal specifically funds additional learning assistants in introductory STEM courses with high DFW rates.

Missoula College Garden

This investment funds the creation of a Native Plant Learning Garden.  The garden offers a welcoming space to highlight native plants, foster a sense of place, enrich science education, and celebrate the natural beauty of the Missoula College River Campus.

Nationally Distinct Applied Humanities Degree

Funding for this proposal augments the Albert Borgmann Fund for Environmental Philosophy in providing high-impact experiences for students in the environmental philosophy master’s degree.  Specifically, funding supports speaker honoraria, student travel stipends, and marketing and recruitment. 

Parent and Family Association

This investment strengthens UM's relationship with parents and family members by establishing a Parent and Family Association. The Association provides involvement opportunities for parents and families who want to make a positive impact on undergraduate student life at UM through advocacy, community building, and (eventually) philanthropy.

Pre-Law Program

This investment provides greater support to UM’s successful pre-law program by funding the director’s summer salary, hiring a part-time associate director, expanding programming for current students, and enhancing marketing and recruitment.

Teaching and Learning Clinical Faculty

This investment provides the initial support for a non-tenured, clinical faculty member in secondary social studies and multicultural education to teach secondary methods courses to undergraduate and graduate students, to assist with the recruitment and mentoring of students, and to establish partnerships with tribal and community colleges.

Additional Investments

One of the goals of the Flagship Fund is to elevate good ideas and to seek support from a variety of sources.  As a result of their inclusion in the Flagship Fund process, the following proposals received funding from other sources:

  • Support for O’Connor Center internships
  • Support for an Operations and Finance grant writer
  • Development of an Undergraduate Research and Scholarly Arts (URSA) Fellowship Program
  • Support for a summer Global Tech Experience
  • Support for a continuing education program in DEI in the School of Speech, Language, Hearing, and Occupational Sciences (SLHOS)
  • Development of a software system to ensure uninterrupted delivery of benefits to military-affiliated students