Annual Playbook

Our Approach

We shape and execute strategy to fulfill our mission, pursue our vision, and serve our students and the state of Montana in the most effective way possible. 

Effective strategy is an iterative process. Therefore, each year we review our University’s mission and strategic vision, assess the progress we’ve made over the course of the current academic year, and develop a playbook for the year ahead to move us toward our collective vision.

As part of this process, we:

  • Reflect on and celebrate successes and lessons learned
  • Examine the external environment to identify new challenges and opportunities
  • Consider where to invest precious human and financial resources for highest impact

This year's playbook contains eight long-term objectives that focus on enrollment, student success, curricular adaptation, economic and civic development, amplified impact through engagement, and internal capacity around human resources, data, and technology.

The projects highlighted in this playbook represent cross-sector, urgent opportunities and needs. The Office of Strategic Planning and Implementation (OSPI) provides support as the campus community implements them. 

FY25 Playbook Objectives and Institutional Projects

Printable FY25 Playbook summary (2 pages)

Previous Annual Playbooks