Tara Kattell

Tara Kattell

What degree(s) do you have and where did you earn it (them)?
I have a bachelors in Social Work which I obtained from the University of Montana.

What is your current role at your organization?
I am a Probation & Parole Officer with a specialized caseload of high risk high need offenders.

How did you come to work at your organization?
I completed an internship with Missoula Probation & Parole, and was hired right after graduation.

What do you appreciate most about supervising practicum students?
I really enjoy getting to see when the students realize they’re utilizing skills they learned in school, and the personal growth they exhibit by the end of their practicum.

What does being a social worker mean to you?
Withholding judgment and creating a space in which people can be 100% honest. It’s at this point change can really begin to happen.

How does your role as a social worker relate to your role as a supervisor?
I utilize the same skills with clients as I do with students. Creating a space where questions can be asked, mistakes are learning opportunities, and growth is praised.

What is the most important thing you hope your practicum students take with them into their careers?
Confidence in themselves and their abilities.

What is your favorite quote that exemplifies social work?
“I am only one, but I am one. I cannot do everything, but I can do something. And I will not let what I cannot do interfere with what I can do.”
- Edward Everett Hale