Helen Horn


What degrees do you have, and where did you earn them?
Associate of Arts in Social Work, Blackfeet Community College Bachelor’s Degree in Social Work, University of Montana a

What is your current role at your organization?

How did you come to work at your organization?
I have worked for Blackfeet Community College for over 30 years. What drew me to BCC was being able to work with students who are going to school to create a better life. The fact that BCC is constantly changing keeps the job interesting and challenging, which I enjoy.

What do you appreciate most about supervising practicum students?
I appreciate that you learn just as much, if not more, from your student. Knowing that their practicum is the culmination of what they have learned in the School of Social Work, you can see the skills and knowledge come to life. You provide a framework and guidance to help them along the way, but their skill set is there, and they are applying theory and practice.

What does being a social worker mean to you?
I use the skills that I learned in school on a daily basis. In working with the students, I have been able to bridge solutions for them easier. I understand empathy better, yet I understand that people must own their personal responsibility. Helping a student through tough situations isn’t easy, but having a skill set to help guide makes the process smoother.

How does your role as a social worker relate to your role as a supervisor?
I understand what the student is going through, and the demands that are placed on them can be overwhelming. Through observation, I build a foundation with the student and learn their strengths and weaknesses. I aim to build strengths and weaknesses by providing guidance and advice.

What is the most important thing you hope your practicum students take with them into their careers?
Most importantly, they believe in themselves and the skills and knowledge they take from their studies.

What is your favorite quote that exemplifies social work?
“Go to school and learn all that you can, because someday you may be called upon to lead your people” Anonymous

Any final words of wisdom?
Continue to learn and grow. Staying in the field of social work is important. Seek advice from your peers, former instructors, and elders when you are at a loss as to what to do.