Erin Scoles

Erin Scoles


What degree(s) do you have and where did you earn it (them)?
I have my degree in Anthropology from The University of Montana.

What is your current role at your organization?
Supported Employment & Education Manager at Mountain Home Montana.

How did you come to work at your organization?
Mountain Home Montana provides holistic wrap around support for mothers and their children. I was a teen mom, and even though I didn’t receive services from Mountain Home Montana, I did receive similar services and support. Receiving those support as a young parent helped me make the healthiest choices for myself and my children. Working here is full circle for me! Having this lived experience makes me extra confident in our moms achieving their goals with their support team walking alongside them.

What do you appreciate most about supervising practicum students?
The enthusiasm of learning something new in school and being able to implement it in their work!It’s an exciting thing to see people connect those dots.

What does being a social worker mean to you?
Being an advocate for those who may not have a voice or just need support finding their own voice.

What is the most important thing you hope your practicum students take with them into their careers?
I hope they remember the initial passion of helping people when maybe a day is tough at work, because these days will happen. But remembering what brought you to this scope of work can be a grounding tool for those hard days!

What is your favorite quote that exemplifies social work?
It’s a privilege to be able to bear witness to someones’ story when they may not have had the chance to tell it before” -Lindy Alexanderr

Any final words of wisdom?
When working with people, remembering that it's never going to be a straight line to the ultimate “goal”, it will ebb and flow always. Our job is to support people in these ebbs and flows and remember who to reach out to when you need support as well.