Clint Arneson

Clint Arneson and his Family

Interview Questions

What degree(s) do you have and where did you earn it (them)? B.S.W. from U of M.

What is your title? Chief Juvenile Probation Officer

How did you come to work at your organization? Working for Youth Homes (formerly known as Missoula Youth Homes) as a Child Care Worker, I was presented with the opportunity to work as a juvenile probation officer and eventually was hired as an administrator in 2005.

What do you appreciate most about supervising practicum students? Connection with the University.

What does being a social worker mean to you? Providing a sensible and meaningful services to individuals in need.

How does your role as a social worker relate to your role as a supervisor? Develop a framework for staff to work within that based in data and meaningful.

What is the most important thing you hope your practicum students take with them into their careers? Let data and your heart help drive your decisions in working with folks in need.

What is your favorite quote that exemplifies social work? A smile is worth a 1000 words.

Any final words of wisdom? Our work is always a work in progress and we have to understand that recognizing baby steps forward for our clients are critical in them moving forward with their lives.