What is the CHES?

The Certified Health Education Specialist (CHES) is a designation granted to individuals with a
bachelor’s degree or higher who complete at least 25 credits of relevant coursework during
their degree program, pass a competency-based exam, and complete continuing education
requirements each year.

It is overseen by the National Commission for Health Education Credentialing (NCHEC). The
NCHEC is an independent body that sets the competencies, determines eligibility of CHES
applicants and administers the CHES exam.

What are the competencies required for the CHES?

The CHES exam tests for proficiency in seven competency areas required of effective health

  1. Assess Needs, Resources and Capacity for Health Education/Promotion
  2. Plan Health Education/Promotion
  3. Implement Health Education/Promotion
  4. Conduct Evaluation and Research Related to Health Education/Promotion
  5. Administer and Manage Health Education/Promotion
  6. Serve as a Health Education/Promotion Resource Person
  7. Communicate, Promote, and Advocate for Health, Health Education/Promotion, and the Profession.

Do UM students meet the qualifications for the CHES?

Final decisions about qualifying degree programs and coursework are made by NCHEC.
However, most students who matriculate through the MPH-CHPS program or the BS-PH CHPS
concentration should qualify to sit for the exam based on required coursework for those degree

Students in other SPCHS degree programs or concentrations may also qualify if they complete
at least 21 course credits that prepare them to meet the skills and responsibilities of health
educators. Many of these courses will have the PUBH, CHTH or HTH prefix. However, some
courses from other colleges or focus areas may also be counted if they provide the skills and
competencies needed to uphold the responsibilities of a CHES.

It is recommended that any student interested in applying to take the CHES exam keep all
course syllabi to submit to NCHEC as documentation of meeting the requirements, if needed.

Why pursue the CHES designation?

The CHES designation signals to potential employers that you are well prepared to work in the
areas of health education, health promotion, or other sub-fields of public health. This
designation can help set you apart from other applicants. The CHES credential may be
especially helpful for those students with a bachelor’s degree entering the job market for the
first time.

How do I apply to sit for the CHES exam?

The CHES exam is offered twice yearly, in the fall and spring. Students can take the exam if they
are within 6 months of completing their degree program. If they pass the exam, it will be
conferred simultaneously with their degree.

Plan ahead! Applications for each exam open about 6 months in advance of the date of the
exam. The earlier you apply, the lower the cost.

For more details about the CHES, NCHEC, and to apply for the exam, visit the NCHEC website.

If you have questions about eligibility specific to your degree program or coursework, please
contact Dr. Rachel Peterson,