PaleoEcology and Fire Ecology Lab

Forest and fire ecology in the context of environmental change

Research in the PaleoEcology and Fire Ecology Lab focuses on understanding the interactions among climate, vegetation, and wildfires over a range of spatial and temporal scales, in the past, present, and future. Understanding ecological change over time integrates projects within the Lab, revealing patterns and processes unobservable over human life spans, providing context for ongoing environmental change, and helping anticipate the consequences of future environmental change. Our focus is highlighted by the titles of over 75 of publications from the Lab:

Word cloud of paper titles

Research Opportunities

  • grad students

    Potential Graduate Students: there are no funded opportunities in the Lab currently

    There are currently no opportunities for funded graduate work in the Lab (as of 7/2023)*. When new opportunities arise, they will be listed here, including directions for how to apply.  

    *NOTE: All graduate positions in the Lab are contingent upon grant funding, primarily through research assistantships. If you have or want to apply for individual funding outside of the univeristy (e.g., NSF's graduate research fellowship), contact Professor Higuera with your proposed funding source(s), research ideas, and CV.

  • undergrad research

    Undergraduate Research Wanted

    Undergraduate students interested in conducting research in the Lab should contact Professor Higuera, and include a resume and brief statement of interest.