Steps To Repatriation

Meaningful consultation between University of Montana NAGPRA Program and tribal representatives drives the repatriation process forward. Cooperative support is an important part of each step of the process. To open communications with the UM NAGPRA team on repatriation, please submit our NAGPRA contact form.

Step 1: Identification and Database Access.

The first step toward repatriation typically involves working with University of Montana NAGPRA Office staff to identify the cultural materials that the tribe is most interested in viewing and potentially claiming. Tribal representatives will be given specialized access to the University of Montana's Collections Online database. The tribe may want to apply for a NAGPRA Consultation/Documentation grant during this time. The NAGPRA Coordinator can provide letters of support for a tribal application or apply to the grant in partnership with the tribe.

Step 2: Visit Coordination.

Once the list of items is finalized, we will work with you to best meet your needs. Staff will coordinate scheduling, can assist with travel arrangements, and will make any necessary accommodations. During your visit, you will view collections and meet with staff who will address your questions or concerns.

Step 3: Claim Process and Board Approval.

Following your visit, University of Montana NAGPRA staff will continue to be available to support your research toward making a claim for repatriation. When the NAGPRA Program receives your claim, staff will compose a report for the Board of Trustees that summarizes the case and requests deaccession. Once the Board of Trustees approves, a notice is published in the Federal Register. After 30 days, ownership of the items will return to the tribe. University of Montana NAGPRA Office staff will stay in close communication with the tribe throughout this process.

Step 4: Physical Transfer and Grant Assistance.

University of Montana NAGPRA Office staff will coordinate with the tribe on the physical transfer of the items. Tribal members may want to visit the University of Montana again to pick up their Ancestors and cultural items, or they may want the University of Montana to arrange delivery. The noncompetitive NAGPRA Repatriation grant is available to cover the costs of reburial, travel, or specialized delivery. The University of Montana NAGPRA Office can provide support in the application process or apply in partnership with the tribe. Staff can also assist with coordinating travel and ensuring the Ancestors or cultural items are as safe as possible on their journey home.