Wellness Trainings

Conflict Management

The Power of Emotional Intelligence - Part 1

The Power of Emotional Intelligence - Part 2

Healthy Communication Skills for Life - Part 1

Healthy Communication Skills for Life - Part 2

Fostering Gratitude and Appreciation for Life

Boundaries in the Workplace

Setting Professional Boundaries

Compassion Fatigue


How to Calm the Threat Response

Cultivating Happiness



Jen Racicot, MA, PCLC, NCC is a nationally certified counselor with both her undergraduate BFA in Art, Education and Masters in Clinical Mental Health from The University of Montana. Jen has been infused in teaching, service and advocacy in Montana for over 30 years working with ages 3-70 counseling, coaching women's mountain biking both regionally/internationally, and traveling as a speaker, leading workshops on mental wellness.  As a therapist, Jen specializes in strength-based counseling along with special training in EMDR and IFS trauma processing, dream-work, mindfulness and art-processing (15 years teaching art k-8). For self-care, Jen loves to eat, live music, travel/live abroad, create art in her studio, and any form of adventure in the back-country of Montana.