Administrative Staff

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Dr. Mohammad Faeez Akram
Interim Director

  • M.P.A., University of Montana, Missoula (2019)
  • M.I.S., University of Montana, Missoula (2012)
  • Certificate of Public Health, University of Montana, Missoula (2013)
  • M.D., Kabul Medical University, Afghanistan (2009)

Phone: (406) 243-3613
Fax: (406) 543-6462

Mohammad Faeez Akram joined the Defense Critical Language and Culture Program (DCLCP) in 2010 as a Graduate Teaching Assistant. He became a Dari and Pashto Language instructor in 2012, a Finance and Personnel Manager in 2013, and the Deputy Director in 2020. As Interim Director, Faeez serves as the principal interface between DCLCP and external organizations, including military partners, University of Montana staff functions, United States Government agencies, potential customers, and the DCLCP funding administrator, the Institute of International Education. Furthermore, he ensures consistency in developing DCLCP’s foreign language syllabi and other course materials to meet the needs of the Department of Defense (DoD) and the United States Government (U.S.G.)



Dr. Shaima Khinjani
Manager, Academic Programs

  • Doctor of Education, Education Leadership, University of Montana (2023)
  • M.A. in Political Science, University of Montana (2013)
  • B.A. in International Studies & Political Science, Ramapo College, New Jersey (2010)

Phone: (406) 243-3602
Fax: (406) 543-6462

Shaima joined DCLCP in 2010 as a Graduate Teaching Assistant; in 2012 as a Dari and Pashto Language instructor; and in 2014 as a lead instructor. She was promoted to the Manager, Academic Programs position in 2014. Shaima directs the faculty development program, including designing, presenting, and scheduling professional course development activities and seminars.

Language Certificates:
10/21/2011: English Oral Proficiency Interview: Rated Advanced High
10/12/2011: Dari Oral Proficiency Interview:  Rated Superior
09/23/2011: Pashto Oral Proficiency Interview: Rated Advanced High
06/11/2012: Urdu Oral Proficiency Interview: Rated Advanced Mid
03/13/2019: Persian- Farsi Oral Proficiency Interview: Rated Advanced High



Pei Pei
Assistant Manager, Finance and Personnel

  • M.B.A., University of Montana (2015)
  • B.S. in Finance, University of Montana (2012)

Phone: (406) 243-3628
Fax: (406) 543-6462

Pei Pei was an international student from Jinan, Shandong, China. He came to Missoula in 2007 to attend Loyola High School as an exchange student. After only being here for a short time, he quickly fell in love with this beautiful city. Because of his newfound admiration for Missoula, he decided to attend the University of Montana in 2008 and pursue his undergraduate degree in Finance. After successfully graduating with a Bachelor’s in Finance in 2012, and received the MBA in 2015. During his graduate school study, he participated in the statewide business plan competition and received the 2nd best business plan for the year. He has been with DCLCP since 2013 and currently serve as the assistant manager of Finance and Personnel and China Project GO coordinator.


Brandon Norton
Computer Support Specialist

  • A.A.S. in Information Technology, Programming and App Development, Missoula College (2018)

Phone: (406) 243-3627
Fax: (406) 543-6462

Brandon grew up in California and moved to Missoula in 2015. He graduated with an Associates of Applied Science from Missoula College in 2018, and began working in the technology field shortly after. Brandon has 4 years of experience in computer hardware repairs and IT support in an enterprise environment. In his free time, he enjoys being at home and watching movies and playing video games with friends.