Western Regional Graduate Program

Our interdisciplinary master's program is unique in the western U.S. We are one of only four departments on campus to offer our graduate students a special break in tuition for those eligible under the Western Regional Graduate Program (WRGP). The WRGP is a tuition reciprocity agreement that allows students from Alaska, Arizona, California, Colorado, Hawaii, Idaho, Nevada, New Mexico, North Dakota, Oregon, South Dakota, Utah, Washington and Wyoming to enroll at in-state tuition rates. If you would like to be considered for enrollment as a WRGP student, please send us an email and note it on your application. Those interested will have to provide a copy of their driver’s license or another proof of residency to the Graduate School in order to complete the process and receive the tuition waiver.

“I was immediately attracted to UM’s Environmental Science and Natural Resource Journalism program but was still torn about where I should attend graduate school. When I learned that the Western Regional Graduate Program would allow me to stay in the West at an in-state price, it sealed the deal.” Shanti Johnson, a Colorado resident from the class of 2016.

“The Western Regional Graduate Program has given me the opportunity to get a master’s degree that I would not have the financial means to achieve otherwise. The application process is very simple, and the staff at the University of Montana make it a very smooth process.” Courtney Gerard, a California resident from the class of 2017.