Cost Information

Detailed student fee tables can be found on the Student Accounts Tuition and Fees page.

*Students enrolled for 6 credits or less have the option of paying an additional amount to cover Activity, Campus Recreation, and clinical services provided by the Curry Health Center.

**Mandatory health insurance coverage with right of waiver is required for all students.

Fee Payment Information

Students must finalize their bill to complete the registration process. Finalizing your registration is the process for accepting your classes and informing the University that you are actually going to attend classes. Please read carefully the finalization and fee payment details and instructions available on Cyberbear.

Please note the following:

  • Schedule bills are not snail mailed anymore; student bills are available on Cyberbear and will be e-mailed via the student's umontana e-mail address.

  • Students who have graduate assistantship contracts are not automatically finalized. They must go through the process listed at the web site above.

  • If fees are not paid by the deadlines outlined on the Cyberbear web site above  a $80.00 late fee will be assessed. If students still have not finalized by the 15 day of class, for a late petition of $160.

  • If students do not register and pay by the end of the third week of the semester, they will be dropped from their graduate program and must then file for readmission. Readmission procedures are available in the Readmission section.

  • Students who are graduating must have active graduation paperwork and register for at least 1 terminal credit by the end of the third week  or they will not be able to graduate.

  • Newly admitted students must also be registered, finalized and paid by the end of the third week of the semester or their files will be inactivated.

Additional information

For more information on student health insurance, please contact the Curry Health Center at (406) 243-2122..

For a complete explanation of The University of Montana fees, refund policy, deferred payment plan and other expenses, please see the online University Catalog section on expenses.

The University's fee schedule is subject to change by the Montana University System Board of Regents without prior notice