Franke Global Leadership Initiative

Join together with students from diverse majors to address complex global challenges around issues such as public health, sustainability and inequality. The Franke Global Leadership Initiative is a four-year, 12-credit certificate program that gives you access to world-class leaders and provides opportunities to tackle real-world problems locally and around the globe.

The global leadership certificate can be added to any University of Montana major and includes interdisciplinary group work, small seminar classes from a wide variety of faculty across campus, and specialized leadership training. Our program also features a unique “Beyond the Classroom” experiential learning component, for which students may earn scholarship funding of up to $5,000 to study abroad, complete international and domestic internships, or undertake service-learning or research projects.

Video: GLI Student Story

What is the Franke GLI Student Experience?

Girl standing in front of monument in Greece

Beyond the Classroom

See the world through our students' eyes. VISIT THE FRANKE GLI STUDENT BLOG
Group of students stand in front of a stage

Senior Capstone

Implement solutions for real-world problems. CHECK OUT THESE FRANKE GLI CAPSTONE PROJECTS

Median scholarship award for students completing AY 23-24 experiential learning.


# of countries in which students have completed their Beyond the Classroom experience.


Average faculty to student ratio for all Global Leadership courses.


Total amount of Franke Fellowship funds distributed directly to our students in the AY 23-24 year.

GLI Events