Executive Committee of the Senate


ECOS meets every Thursday at 3:00 p.m. 


College of Humanities & Sciences
  Christina Yoshimura, Chair, Communication Studies (2026) 
  Marc Hendrix, Geoscience (2026)   
  Clint Walker, World Languages & Cultures (2026)

Professional Schools
  Lauren Fern, Applied Arts & Sciences (2025)
  Valerie Moody, Chair-Elect, Integrative Physiology & Athletic Training (2027)
  Blake Emidy, Public Administration & Policy (2025)
  Theresa Floyd, Management & Marketing (2027)


History of ECOS Membership


Article II, Section 2.

The Executive Committee of the Faculty Senate (ECOS) shall have the power to form ad hoc committees to study any problem of concern to the faculty.

Article II, Section 4.

Executive Committee of the Senate:
(1) ECOS serves in an executive capacity between meetings of the Senate and reports its actions to the Senate no later than the next Senate meeting. The Chair of the Senate is a voting member and Chair of ECOS.
(2) The committee shall consult with the President and offer its advice regarding matters affecting the faculty. It shall consult with the President about those budgetary matters that directly involve the academic affairs of the University. The committee shall make recommendations regarding the composition of committees appointed by the President. Further, it shall advise the President and Senate relative to policies affecting the welfare of The University of Montana-Missoula.
(3) The Committee shall consist of seven members, as provided in the Bylaws; four members shall constitute a quorum.
---Articles of Faculty Organization 1. The Executive Committee shall make appointments to all faculty committees and make all nominations to university committees. ---Senate Bylaws