Alternative Breaks

Student on Alternative Breaks

Embark on adventure and make a difference this school break. Alternative Breaks take you out of the classroom and immerse you in engaging, hands-on explorations of social and environmental issues through meaningful service projects in new communities.

During an Alternative Break trip, you can expect to travel, often across state lines, with a group of 8 - 12 other students. In your host community, you will engage in direct service projects with local nonprofits, join in educational conversations with inspiring leaders, be guided through daily reflections, and gain new skills and perspectives. Every Alternative Break includes community immersion time where you’ll explore the city’s history and culture through team-planned recreation and sightseeing activities.

You’ll return inspired and empowered to create positive change in your own community. 

Upcoming Alternative Breaks

Check back next semester for more Alternative Break events!


Read about our last Alternative Break here. On this trip 12 UM Students traveled to Seattle, Washington, and tackled the youth homelessness crisis in that area by assisting in updating and cleaning housing solutions, cooking meals, sorting and organizing clothing and hygiene product, as well as working in a community garden! Plus they got to explore the city and immerse themselves in Seattle vibrant culture.