Amanuenses, readers, and scribes in the classroom

Auxiliary aids

Auxiliary aids in the classroom include

  • Amanuensis: a person who assists with the student with a disability that impacts their fine gross motor skills. For example, a person operates a microscope for the student.   
  • Reader: a person who reads the text aloud to the student.
  • Scribe: a person who writes down or records the student's responses.

Auxiliary aids are not personal aids who assist in eating, toileting, or dressing, or walking the student to and from class.

Students' responsibilities

To use an auxiliary aid (amanuenses, readers, and scribes) in the classroom, the Office for Disability Equity expects students to understand their responsibilities. The testing coordinator supervises auxiliary aids. We expect you to notify the testing coordinator in advance when: 

  • You drop a class or modify a class schedule
  • You will be late or absent from a regularly scheduled class

Dahn Ebert, Testing Coordinator
Email: (406) 243-4216

  • The auxiliary aid will leave class 20 minutes after the class begins if the student does not show up to the class without notifying the office.
  • Students who miss three (3) consecutive classes, without notifying the testing coordinator, will have auxiliary aid services temporarily suspended. Services may be reinstated once the student has re-submitted the auxiliary aid request to their access consultant.