Personal Trainer Bios

Personal Trainer Bios

Nate Nigh, Head Trainer

NateNate discovered his love for human movement during his early years of college. Ever since, he has spent a vast amount of time working towards perfecting his craft and molding his training philosophy. Nate believes every person is different, which is why he creates detailed programs specific to your individual needs. His background in training college athletes and human physiology allows him to work with people in a tailored fashion in order to elevate them to new fitness heights. Nate specializes in strength and power development, sport-specific training, weight loss and injury prevention as well as balance, mobilization and stabilization techniques.

Education: B.S. Exercise Science, University of Montana
Certifications: NSCA-Certified Personal Trainer

To start your journey with Nate, please email him at 

Courtney Couture


Courtney is originally from a small town in New Hampshire and moved to Montana in August of 2021 to pursue her Masters of Exercise Science at UM.  She has wanted to live in Montana for the past 3-4 years and would like to experience it more after she is finished with her degree.  Courtney has worked with a wide variety of populations including youth, college aged, and the general public.  She has taught multiple different ACTivity classes here at the University including different levels of weightlifting classes and the stretch and relax class.

In her free time, Courtney loves to spend time outside; this includes hiking, biking, skiing, fishing etc.  She grew up bordering a small ski mountain and has skied most of her life.  Courtney skied competitively in college and continues to ski in her free time.  She is very excited to expand her knowledge around personal training with one-on-one clients at UM Campus Rec. 

Education: Bachelor's of Science in Exercise Science, currently pursuing her Master's 

Certifications: NSCA Certified Personal Trainer 

To start your journey with Courtney, emali her at 

Kelsey Albin

28056787_10211126454055005_6077030530511601560_n.jpgKelsey has worked in fitness and recreation since 2010. Starting as a Group Fitness instructor, Kelsey expanded her experience by working one on one with individuals as a Personal Trainer which led her to pursue a career in the fitness industry. Since college, Kelsey has developed fitness programs at three different universities and has been able to mentor instructors and trainers along the way. Kelsey moved to Missoula in 2019 to continue her passion of helping people find freedom in movement, whether that's through running, lifting weights, cycling, yoga, etc. She has worked with a variety of clients from athletes to individuals with limited mobility and injuries.

In her free time, Kelsey loves to be outside skiing, riding her bike, paddling, hiking, and spending time with her husband Tyson and their adventurous dogs, Bella, Louie, Meeko, and Huck.

Education: B.A. Psychology, Indiana University, M.A. Educational Administration, University of Nebraska

Certifications: ACE-Certified Personal Trainer, ACE-Certified Medical Exercise Specialist, Yoga Alliance 500 Hour

To start your journey with Kelsey, please email her at