Class Descriptions

Class Descriptions


Barre – Barre classes combine ballet, core work, weight training, and yoga at a ballet barre. The barre helps maintain balance and alignment while students focus on isometric strength training (the practice of holding a pose while contracting a specific set of muscles). Students can expect to do many small range-of-motion exercises and multiple repetitions to build strength, stability, and balance.

Core Training – Strengthen your complete core: abdominals, back, hips and glutes. A strong core will help improve everything from your balance to sports performance. Core Training is the perfect way to top off any workout.

High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) – Challenge your power, strength, and endurance during this circuit-based, high intensity training session. Let our coaches lead you through a workout using TRX, kettlebells, steps, bands, battle ropes, plyo boxes and more!

Strength – This class strengthens all the major muscles in the body for a head-to-toe workout. A “light weights, high reps, short recoveries” formula will build tension quickly and put high demand on your muscles to perform. Beginners and advanced levels alike will get an effective workout through a non-stop progression of movement motivated by energetic music!

Strength & Conditioning - The emphasis of this class is a mix of challenging strength sequences and high intensity aerobic sequences. Whether it’s challenging intervals, AMRAP’s, or circuit styles of training, these classes will improve muscular strength and endurance, as well as total aerobic endurance. One should be ready to complete strength sequences along with running, jumping, and other cardio opportunities.


Kickstart – Kickstart is a non-contact, no-experience-needed martial arts fitness workout. This high-energy class teacher proper form for punches, kicks, and strikes from a variety of martial arts like Taw Kwon Do, Kickboxing, and Arnis, all put together into combinations that will improve your balance, agility, flexibility, and stamina, while leaving you feeling like a champ!

Cycling – Utilizing stationary bikes, this class simulates hills, flats and speed work all set to music and/or timed intervals in order to increase the heart rate. Great for outdoor cycling and fitness enthusiasts alike.

Cycle & Strength – This combo class takes elements from our most popular classes in order to give you the best workout! Using the stationary bike to increase cardiovascular fitness through hill climbs, speed and flat roads, along with high intensity circuits and full body strength movements, this class delivers a well-balanced workout.

OULA Dance Fitness – This dance inspired, cardio class incorporates popular, upbeat music set to easy-to-follow dance moves from many different genres. This is a crazy-fun workout where you can let it all out, free of judgement! All fitness levels, no dance experience expected.

SHiNE Dance Fitness - SHiNE Dance Fitness™ brings original routines to life using hit music and choreography for all-abilities. Rooted in jazz, ballet, and hip-hop, this workout gives you a creative outlet to escape from daily stress. Each class includes the perfect balance of high cardio and toning to ensure you receive a full-body workout with real results. SHiNE is a mood-lifting experience that leaves you feeling capable, confident, and connected to a supportive community.

SharQui Bellydance Workout - Bellydance is an invigorating, no-impact form of exercise that utilizes the entire body. This class teaches classic bellydance moves in a non-stop, sweat-producing format by gradually layering moves together to create combinations. Proper form and posture are highlighted in this ancient art form as you shimmy, shake, and sway to intoxicating music and celebrate the natural motions of the human body. No dance experience or bare midriffs required!

Mind & Body

Flow Yoga – Flow Yoga is a fluid & powerful style of yoga that links movement and breath together. This class begins with a deep warm up, continued by moving through creative flows, and is the perfect place to start taking your practice to the next level. More advanced postures are broken down step by step and your teacher will offer modifications and variations to suit you.

Gentle Yoga – Never practiced yoga? If you want a gentle way to learn more about yoga, this class is for you! Emphasis is on building awareness of the breath and the body. Postures are practiced at a slower pace with attention to alignment and detail. Your teacher will help you to utilize props and give you modifications to enter and exit postures with ease.

Meditation Circle – Ready for a reset? This meditation group draws upon real techniques from Tibetan Buddhist practices, scientifically proven to reduce stress and improve overall wellness. Practice is bolstered by creating space to share your challenges and victories, little and big, and by learning how mindfulness might be impacting your daily life. Plus, meditating with others is where the magic happens! This group is open to all. No prior experience necessary.

Restore Yoga – In restore, we use props and hold postures for longer periods of time to initiate deep relaxation of the body, mind, and spirit. Restore Yoga is beneficial to balance a more active practice or to decompress after a stressful day.

Yin Yoga – Yin Yoga poses apply moderate stress to the connective tissues of the body – the tendons, fascia, and ligaments – with the aim of increasing circulation in the joints and improving flexibility. Yin poses are held for longer periods of time – up to five minutes. A more meditative approach to yoga, yin aims at cultivating awareness of inner silence while creating spaciousness in the body.