Signature Authority

Have you ever wondered who has the authority to sign contracts on behalf of the University of Montana? If so, that is good. Either way, read on . . .

In order to ensure the efficient operation of the University while maintaining fiscal integrity, contracts may only be signed by a University Official who is recognized as having the authority to sign a particular type of contract. Furthermore, before signing a contract on behalf of the University, they must go through a prescribed routing and review process.

Where do I find this information? Well, guess what—there is a University Signature Authority policy! Click on that hyperlink and take a look. Right now, the policy is an "interim" policy while it moves through the shared governance approval process.

Please familiarize yourself with the Signature Authority policy and especially the accompanying procedures. The procedures contain a sample Delegation Document which must be completed and maintained as described in the procedures in order for anyone other than the President of the University to sign certain contracts. The appendices in the procedures provide an easy-to-follow reference for when to seek assistance from the Office of Legal Counsel. They also contain tables you can check to determine who already has authority to sign certain contracts and where such contracts should be routed for review prior to signing.

Sorry if your hopes for purchasing a Ferris wheel for the oval are now dashed. Seriously, thank you for taking the time to read this and sharing it with other colleagues.

If you have questions about this, please contact the Office of Legal Counsel at or 243-4742.