Granite Ghost Town

Pedestrian Survey during the fall of 2007 found numerous cultural remainders of the Chinese who lived at Granite, MT during the last decades of the 19th century. Granite is located on private land, and with permission of the private landowner researchers were allowed to collect some artifacts from Granite's Chinatown. These artifacts will be used to create an interpretive exhibit at the Granite County Historical Museum located in Philipsburg, MT. The exhibit will be under construction during the spring of 2009, and will highlight the forgotten histories of these Chinese immigrants. Granite has been severely looted over the years, and it is hoped that increased interpretation at the museum and on-site, will help to protect the priceless cultural materials at the town. Granite definitely needs additiona professional work, and thanks to the landowner it is now a real possibility. Read more about the Chinese in Granite as captured in the Granite Mountain Star, found on the "Research Resources " page.

Chinese artifacts from Granite, MT

Chinese artifacts from Granite, MT