
  • Bruker D8 Venture fixed Chi dual source small molecule diffractometer with both Mo Kα radiation (TRIUMPH monochromator) and Cu microfocus (IμS) Kα radiation with PHOTON 2 7 CPAD detector (ISB 016)
  • Oxford cryostream 700 Plus liquid nitrogen cryo-cooling system with auto refill (ISB 016)
  • Two Dell workstations, with Olex2 and APEX 4 software (ISB 016)
  • Access to the Cambridge Crystal Structural Database (ISB 016)
  • Powder X-ray diffraction capabilities (optimal for small quantities of a sample) (ISB 016)
  • ProJet 260C full color 3D printer and processing stations (Chemistry 008)
  • Nikon SMZ1270 Stereo microscope (> 100x magnification) with DS-Fi3 camera (5.9-megapixel CMOS image sensor) and L4 camera control unit (ISB 016)
  • Various crystal manipulation tools (e.g. MiTeGen loops, glass fibers, nylon loops, various oils) (ISB 016)
  • Dedicated Windows 10 PC for instrument control (ISB 016)
The Dual source Bruker D8 Venture single crystal X-ray diffractometer and work station at the University of Montana
The Dual source Bruker D8 Venture single crystal X-ray diffractometer and workstation at the University of Montana