
Individual training for use of both the hardware and software of the Varian, Agilent and Bruker NMR spectrometers.

  • Training
    • NMR core manager will train all NEW users after receiving their request of NMR Training and their answers to the pre-NMR Training Quiz. For this quiz contact the NMR manager. Users must also pass an in-person independence test before being allowed to use NMR instruments independently.
    • User Agreement- to be signed by all NMR users.
    • For more advanced NMR experiments and analysis further one one-on-one consultations are encouraged.
    • For limited sample users, the facility offers a drop-off/next day result service.
  • Supplies
    • The NMR Facility maintains various consumables. Please contact the manager if you are in need of some common consumable and are waiting for replacements to be shipped (i.e. common deuterated solvents, standard NMR tubes, high-throughput tubes)
    • Specialty NMR tubes
      • Shigemi tubes
      • Coaxial inserts
    • Time-sensitive services
      • The NMR Core facility is an open access 24/7 facility for those pre-approved and trained by the facility manager.
      • The facility can accommodate off-campus users with after-hours uses in specific cases for time-sensitive work.
  • Collaboration and Support
    • Consultation on experimental design to meet specific research goals. Reach out to the NMR manager. The NMR core facility actively encourages collaborations with existing and new users. We are here to help!
    • For grant-related facilities descriptions contact the NMR manager. 


When writing any scientific manuscripts that use the instrumentation of the NMR core facility, please include the following in the acknowledgement section:

  • The authors are thankful for support of the NMR core facilities by the Center for Biomolecular Structure and Dynamics CoBRE (NIH NIGMS grant P30GM140963).

Data retrieval and data management

Current facility practice is that the data and data archiving are the responsibility of the end user. In the near future the Core facility may take on archival responsibility through BOX cloud service. Additionally, user data, may be deleted from local instrument computers after 3 years without written consent.