Fee Structure

Collaborative Subcontracts and Contracted Services

For some computational projects, investigators may desire to establish a formal collaborative subcontract for computational efforts, i.e. for specific computational goals and aims included in an externally funded investigation. Formal collaborations could be for access to core resources and personnel, and for collaborative research ventures.

Investigators that would like to explore potential collaborations should contact Dr. Hughes or Dr. Holley to discuss project goals and strategies. We will work with collaborating investigators to develop methodologies, timelines, and a budget. If the investigator is external to the University of Montana, a Facilities and Administration charge must also be included in the budget.

Core Contracted Services

All listed fees are rates for internal PIs. If you have questions about our user fees please contact us.

* Free Account Set up 

Service, types and their cost




Computation and use rates 

CPU and GPU use


Workstation use


Cresset software (Flare, FEP, Spark)

Worstation/Software use

$25/hour (training and evaluation is free)

Consultation and training

Training in computer/software use for new users (first training sessions are free).


We offer consultation to help investigators formulate efficient computation strategies, design protocols, and troubleshoot software and hardware problems.

$60.00 per hour, after first hour of free training


Workstation Rental

$60.00 per month